Tuesday, December 2, 2008


The ancients believed that Blue Sapphires held in its depths the power of the sea and the sky and that it had influence over the spirit world as well. Among its other reputed powers, it was also believed to have the power to make peace between warring parties. The calming influence of blue has made it an enduring symbol for loyalty and trust owing to which women around the world choose Sapphire for their engagement rings. In 1938, Carroll F. Chatham, a scientist from San Francisco after many years of research and great determination, discovered the technique of growing gems. His theory was that by, replicating the natural conditions deep within the earth, the appropriate temperatures, pressures and chemicals, he would be capable of growing a gem in his laboratory. Based on his theory, at a fraction of the cost of a mined gem, he could grow gemstones possessing the same physical, chemical, spectral and optical qualities of mined gems. Chatham Created Blue Sapphire was first developed in 1975. An accomplishment of brilliance, the art of producing these gems remains within the Chatham family only.

GEM = Eye Clean to Very Minimal Eye Visible Inclusions, Medium to Dark Blue, Good Cut, Good Polish.
Moh's Hardness = 9.

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